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Clinic by Yoko Tanabe and Shinjiro Sasaki-Jan2012

Two International Champions in one great weekend

Learn how the International Champions Train for competition.

Dynamic and easy to learn competition technique will make your training more effective and fun.

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Clinic conducted in May 2001 by Jun Konno and Toshihiko Yamada senseis. Konno sensei is a two time All Japan Champion. Yamada sensei is a member of the Kodokan teaching staff. A great time was had by all who attended!

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Clinic conducted in April 2001 by Dr. Sachio Ashida. He is a Kodokan Ninth Degree black belt, and an International Class "A" referee. Dr. Ashida has refereed at all major judo competitions throughout the world including the Olympic Games. He is also a former U.S. Olympic Coach.

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